Mobile Set
The DVR is currently compatible with mobile phones running
Andriod, Windows Mobile, Symbian operating systems, Iphone
and Black berry on 3G networks.
Please follow below steps:
1) Configure network parameters, details please refer to chap-
ter " Network set".
2) Configure mobile port no (such as 19011); and the port
need forward to router. Details please refer to the next
3) Save the parameters and exit Main Menu.
4) System auto restart.
5) User name and password of mobile is consistent with DVR. Router's Port Forwarding
Port forwarding is required when you want to access the DVR
connected to the router from outside of the router's network.
If PPPoE is selected, port forwarding is not required.
1) Input router's IP address from IE-based browser to open the
Router configuration interface shown as fig. 6-42.
2) Click [Transmittal rule] option to take you to the port for-
warding instructions for your router.
3) The DVR IP address for the intranet should be
<>, you should forward Media port (19009)
and HTTP port (19010) to this IP address respectively.
4) Now user can visit the DVR remotely.
Friendly Reminder: The router's port forwarding interface
may be different, however, when entering into virtual server,
user will always need forward port (range: 1025 – 65535) of
router to IP address of DVR allocated or automatically captured,
and select [All] or [Both] in corresponding protocol column and
save the above setting.
Above steps may differ from the router device depending on
the manufacturer. Sub stream
Go to [Main menu Network Sub Stream] to enter into
the interface shown as fig. 6-43.
Video: allow you open or close the sub stream output. If you
select "Enable" system will select sub-stream preview and
guarantee image quality once network is unstable.
Fig. 6-33
Fig. 6-34
Frame rate: allow you set net transmittal frame rate. User
could select the relative value by pull-down menu.
Bit rate: allow you set net transmittal bit rate. User could
select the relative value by pull-down menu.
Audio: When tick-selecting the option, system will record
video and audio simultaneously. Email set
Click [Main Menu Network Email] option to enter into
the email set interface shown as fig. 6-44.
SSL: Is a security link transport protocol. You can encrypt your
communication info (including your email) using SSL to prevent
hackers from monitoring your email or communication info
and even your password.
Please set SSL to "Enable" via Gmail.com server, and set
to "Disable" via other mail server.
SMTP Port: Indicate one kind of mail transmittal port opened
by Simple Message Transfer Protocol (SMTP). The port number
for most mails is 25 except such as Gmail server (Port No.: 465).
SMTP Server: Indicates server address you used.
Sender Email: Indicates sender's email address. The email
address should be consistent with the server you use. That
is to say, when you use email address – aaa@gmail.com, the
according server should be smtp.gmail.com.
Receiver Email: Indicates receiver's email address. The email
address is used to receive image transmitted from DVR alarm.
Please clear the images you have received as soon as possible
to avoid overloading your email account. DDNS Set
Server: Select DDNS provider.
Host name: Input the host domain name you have registered
at dynamic domain name system, such as: DVR2009.3322.org.
Fig. 6-35
Fig. 6-36
Fig. 6-37