c) Further Functions
Indication of the moon phase
The moon phases are indicated by the following symbols:
full moon
waxing moon
The indication of the moon phases will only be displayed, if time/date are entered.
Weather Willi
As an animated figure the "Weather Willi" shows several weather factors simultaneously:
• Outdoor temperature (multipurpose sensor only)
Depending on the outdoor temperature measured at the multipurpose sensor, the clothing of
"Weather Willi" change from swimming shorts to complete winter clothing including a cap, a
muffler and gloves.
• Rain
If the weather forecast predicts rain, the "Weather Willi" will take his umbrella with him.
• Wind speed
At wind speeds of more than 20km/h (moderate wind) the hair of "Weather Willi" blows in the wind.
If he has put on a scarf, this one will also blow in the wind.
Weather forecast
The symbols describing the weather forecast of the weather station are positioned at the top of the
display and deliver the following prognoses:
clouds with rain
clouds with sun
new moon
Fig. 7
waning moon