Note: All the necessary settings for the IP 700K telephone are made via the
application software you are using or your operating system.
11.1 Special settings for using the Skypet software
When using the Skypet application software, it is possible to define various
settings directly on the IP 700K.
Refer to Chapter 7.4 "Using the Telephone keypad - Skypet" for more details.
11.2 Settings via the application
Refer to the instructions in your application software for detailed information.
Note: Information on application software providers is available in Chapter 5
"Application Software".
11.3 Settings via the operating system
Note: The names of the menu items and buttons may vary slightly according
to the operating system being used, e.g.: Sound and audio devices =
Multimedia. The steps for installation, however, are identical.
1. Click on the Start button.
2. Select Settings, Control Panel and then Sounds and Audio
3. Click on the Volume tab control and then on the Advanced button.
4. Complete the necessary settings regarding the receiver volume.
5. Open the Options menu and select Properties.
6. Select Record and click the OK button.
7. Complete the necessary settings regarding the microphone sensitivity.
8. Close the window, the settings are applied.
Note: Please refer to the operating system documentation for further, more
detailed information.
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