Dialling numbers from the phone book
Phone numbers must have been stored in the phone book for this
. Pages 102 and 110.
- / +, F
In order to move directly to the first letter of the phone book
entry required, press the key to enter the corresponding let-
Internal calls
You must have registered at least two handsets (HS1, HS2, ...) on the
base station in order to make internal calls between them free of
charge; . Checking the contents of the package", Page 96 and
. Registering handsets", Page 115.
Making internal calls
HS1: C and e.g. 2
If only two handsets are registered on the base station, sim-
ply press the C button to call the other handset.
After pressing the C button, all the handsets registered
on the base station are listed in the display. 9" also appears
in the list. If you select the 9", all the handsets registered on
the base station are called.
HS2: F
If the handset dialled does not take the call within 60
seconds, it stops ringing and the handset making the
call switches to Standby mode.
Open the phone book
Select the entry required and dial it
Dial the internal call number of the
handset required, e.g. HS2
Take the internal call on the other
If an internal call is in progress and you receive an external
call, you will hear an information tone. The call is indicated
in the display; . Call indicator". End the internal call before
taking the external call.
HS1/HS2: I
Forwarding external calls internally
When an external call is in progress:
HS1: M
HS1: - / + INTERCOM ,Select the submenu and
HS1: ë e.g. 2
HS2: F
If the handset called does not answer, take the external call
back by pressing the I button.
HS1: I
Alternatively to pressing the I button, you can replace
the handset in the base station.
End the internal call
Open the main menu
confirm it
Dial the number of the handset
Take the internal call on the other
Forward the call