6.3 Common Interface
This option allows you to view, change the settings and information of a Common
Access Module.
6.4 USB Upgrade & Save
Let you install a new software version on the device. This of course must be
connected to a USB HDD or memory stick with the update file in the root directory.
1. Upgrade & Save
Software Updates can be found at www.xoro.de/downloads/
6.5 Media Player
The Media Player can play many kinds of media files, you also can record
channels and playback them and you can do various operations when using USB
HDD or USB disk. You can press VOL+/VOL- button to change media type in
1. Image
When in the files browser:
OK: Start the slide show of all images in this folder
/ : Move to the previous or next image or folder
RED: Display the Play List of pictures
GREEN: Add the highlighted image to the Play List
YELLOW: Add all the images in current directory to the Play List
BLUE: Edit (Rename/Delete/Copy/Create Folder/Unedit)
SWAP: Switch to the other USB device
DVR : Sort the files by Name/Time/Size/Favourite
INFO: Set menu with the options for the slide show time and slide show repeat
TXT: Display all images as small thumbnails
EXIT: Return to previous directory
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