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* Example 1: out 4-22 +
I (mA)
22 mA
20 mA
-110% F.S.
-100% F.S.
(POS. 8.8-9) Conversion factor for flow rate totalizers
Setting of the conversion/currency value for direct (and reverse) flow totalizers. There are three
setting fields for this parameter, from left to right: 1) monetary symbol, 2) default/personalized
monetary symbol, 3 ) conversion coefficient. To select, set the cursor over the field to be modified.
Setting the monetary symbol can be achieved in two ways:
Choosing one of the 7 predetermined monetary symbols (standard ISO 4217-REV81):
EUR=Euro; USD=USA dollar; CAD=Canadian dollar; AUD=Australian dollar; GPB=English
pound; CHF=Swissfranc; JPY=Japanese yen.
Entering a three character (numbers or letters) personalized currency. To change the
characters, the cursor must be set on the symbol "/" (second field)
(POS. 8.10-11-12-13) Total/Partial totalizer reset
Activates the reset of total and partial flow totalizer. These functions are activated by pressing the
during the visualization of the function itself. When "EXECUTE?" is required, press
proceed. Press any other key to delete the operation.
(POS. 10.1) Meter calibration
Enables the meter calibration function. The activation of this function happens by pressing the key
during the function visualization, at the following question will be visualized: "EXECUTE?", so press
key to proceed. Press any other key to delete the operation.
(POS. 10.2) Self test function
Meter auto test function. This function stops the meter normal functions and performs a complete
test cycle on the measuring input circuits and the excitation generator. To activate this function,
selecting it, by pressing the key
any other key will delete the operation. The test result is shown on the display, the display will
return to one of the visualization pages at the test end. The function is automatically performed
when the device is switched on. For any errors see the next page for corrective actions.
(POS. 10.3) Flow rate simulation
Flow rate simulation enabling. This function allows for the possible generation of an internal signal
that simulates the flow rate, allowing the outputs and all the connected instruments to be tested.
After enabling it, a 'S' appears in the top right of the screen and the flow rate simulation can be:
 set: by pushing the key
(Fl.rate=%) and the same key to confirm the value;
 finished: by pushing the key
4 mA
+100% F.S. +110% F.S.
, at the prompt: "EXECUTE?" press the key
from one of visualization pages, to set the required % flow rate
from visualization pages and then by pushing the key
** Example 2: out 4-20 –0+
-110% F.S.
-100% F.S.
I (mA)
20 mA
12 mA
4 mA
+100% F.S. +110% F.S.
[EUR/dm³+/- =X]
[T/P/-/+ reset]
[Self test]
to start the test,
[Simulation = ON/OFF]


