After the installation of your hood
(both from the top or the sides) is
Connect an air outlet pipe suitable for the air
outlet of the hood on the part remains inside
the cupboard. Pipe shall protrude about 20
cm over the cupboard to allow the installation
of the connection pipe that will take the aspi-
rated air to outdoors (Figure 6).
After the installation is performed, you may
use the 'L' profile delivered with the packing
of your hood to remove the gap that nay be
left on the rear part of your hood (Figure 6).
You must install an vent here if the hood shall
be used in internal circulation mode by install-
ing a carbon filter (Figure 7).
(Figure 6)
(Figure 7)
The surroundings of the pipe inside the cup-
board may be covered as you desire.
The air outlet pipe shall be procured by the
Usage Method
You can use your hood in two ways:
1- Usage with Flue Connection:
In usage with flue connection, hood must be
connected to a flue that will discharge the air
to outside. Ensure that the pipework connect-
ed to flue follows the shortest possible route to
obtain best efficiency from your hood.
As the bends and elbows will cause decreases
in the air suction power, using these must be
avoided as much as possible.
Flue connection