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Accumulated Totals - Adam Equipment CBK SERIE Bedienungsanleitung





The scale can be set to accumulate when a weight is added to the platform automatically or manually by
pressing [Print]. See menu structure section. The accumulation function is available only during weighing. If
at any time the weighing units are changed, the accumulated data will be lost.
Manual Accumulation
When the scale is set to manual accumulation, the weight displayed will be stored in the memory when the
[Print] key is pressed and the weight is stable.
Steps :
Remove the weight and press [Print] when the display is at zero. The display
"ACC 1"
will show
and then the weight in memory for 2 seconds before returning
to normal. The weight can be output to a printer or PC using the RS-232 interface.
When the scale is at zero, place a second weight. When stable, press [Print] to accumulate the weight. The
ACC 2"
display will show "
Continue until all weights have been added. This can continue for up to 99 entries until the capacity of display
is exceeded.
To view the total in memory, press the [Print] key when the scale is at zero. The display will show the total
number of accumulation
To print the total, press [Print] to recall and then immediately press [Print] the second time to print the
results. To erase the memory, press [Print] to view the total and then immediately press [CE] to clear the
Automatic Accumulation
When the scale has been set to Automatic Accumulation the value will be stored in memory automatically.
Place a weight on the platform. The beeper will sound when the display is stable indicating the value is
accepted. Remove the weight. The display will show
returns to zero. Adding a 2nd weight will repeat the process.
While the weight is on the platform, press the [Print] key to view the values- first the accumulation number
"ACC x"
and then the total will be shown.
The scale must return to zero or a negative number, before another sample can be added to the
© Adam Equipment Company 2017
for 2 seconds and then show the new total.
"ACC xx"
and the total weight before returning to zero.
"ACC 1"
and then the total in the memory before it



Diese Anleitung auch für:

Cbk-m serie
