To return to the normal display, press and immediately
release the key V.
1. Prc
Choice of MIG or MMA mode.
2. AF
Activated in MMA welding. It may be adjusted
from 0 to 100%. Adjusts the dynamic characteristic of
the arc, a value adjusted using the knob L.
3. HS
Activated in MMA welding. It may be adjusted
from 0 to 100%. Adjusts the overcurrent delivered when
the arc strikes, a value adjusted using the knob L.
4. Syn Activated in MIG welding. Activation indicates
that the welding machine is working in synergic mode.
5. Trg Activated in MIG welding. Choice between 2
stage, 4 stage, 3 levels. 2t the machine begins welding
when the torch trigger is pressed, and stops when
released. 4t to begin welding press and release the
torch trigger; to interrupt, you must press and release it
again. 3L this process is active in synergic processes.
Particularly recommended for welding aluminum. Three
currents are available, which may be called up during
welding using the torch start button. The currents and
slope settings are as follows:
SC starting current (Hot Start). May be adjusted from 1
to 200% of the welding current, a value adjusted using
the knob L.
Slo slope. Possible range from 1 to 10 seconds. Defines
the interface time between the first current SC with the
welding current and the second current with the third
current CrC (crater filler current), a value adjusted using
the knob L.
CrC "Crater filler" current. May be adjusted from 1 to
200% of the welding current, a value adjusted using the
knob L.
Welding begins when the torch button is pressed; the
current called up will be the starting current SC. This
current is maintained until the torch trigger is pressed;
when the button is released the first current switches to
the welding current, set with the knob I, and is main-
tained until the torch trigger is pressed again. The next
time the torch trigger is pressed, the welding current
switches to the third current CrC and remains active as
long as the torch trigger is held down. Welding stops
when the button is released.
6. HSA (Automatic Hot Start).
This function is inhibited when the function 3L is active,
and only works with synergic programs.
Once the function enabled using the knob L, the opera-
tor may adjust the level of the starting current SC (Hot
Start). It may be adjusted from 1 to 200% of the welding
current, a value adjusted using the knob L.
It can adjust the duration ScT of this current from 0.1 to
10 seconds.
The Slo time of switching between the SC current and the
welding current may be adjusted from 0.1 to 10 seconds.
7. SP (spot-welding).
This function is inhibited when the function 3L is active.
Selecting the function SPt (spot-welding time) adjusts
the spot welding time from 0.3 to 5 seconds.
Activating the function int (interval time) adjusts the
pause time between one spot-weld and another, and the
time ranges from 0.3 to 5 seconds.
8. PrF (Pre-gas). Active in all MIG processes. The
adjustment may range from 0 to 10 seconds.
9. PoF (post-gas). Active in all MIG processes. The
adjustment may range from 0 to 30 seconds.
10. Acc (Soft Start). Active in all MIG processes. The
adjustment may range from 0 to 100%. It is the wire
speed, expressed as a percentage of the speed set for
the welding, before the wire touches the workpiece.
This adjustment is important in order to always achieve
good starts.
Manufacturer setting " Au" automatic.
The value can be changed using the knob L. If, once
changed, you wish to return to the original settings,
press the key E until the message "Au" reappears on
the display N.
11. BB (burn back). Active in all MIG processes. The
adjustment may range from 0 to 100%. Serves to adjust
the length of the wire leaving the contact tip after weld-
The higher the number, the more the wire burns.
Manufacturer setting " Au" automatic.
12. L (impedance). Active in all MIG processes. The
adjustment may range from -9.9 to +9.9. Zero is the
manufacturer's setting. If the number is negative the
impedance falls and the arc becomes harder; if it
increases the arc becomes softer.
13. ITO. (inching time out). Active in all MIG processes.
The purpose is to stop the welding machine if the wire
flows from the torch after starting with no passage of
The wire output from the torch is adjustable from 5 to 50
centimeters using the knob L. Once the function has
been recalled it can be enabled(On) or off (Off).
14. H2O (Cooling unit). Active in all MIG processes.
Turning the knob L selects the type of operation: OFF =
off, On C = always on, On A = automatic start-up. When
the machine starts, the unit is running.
If the torch trigger is not pressed, it shuts off after 15
When the torch button is pressed, the unit begins oper-
ating, and shuts off 3 minutes after the button itself is
If the coolant pressure is too low, the power source
delivers no current and the display O will show the mes-
sage H2O, flashing.
15. Fac. (factory). The purpose is to return the welding
machine to the original settings provided by the manu-
With the function selected, the display N shows, noP =
returns the welding machine to the originally supplied
settings without affecting the saved programs, Prg =
deletes all saved programs, and ALL = returns the weld-