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Low Heating; Ash Removal; Extinguishing The Fire; Weather Conditions - Dovre 350CB Einbauanleitung Und Gebrauchsanweisung

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Verfügbare Sprachen

Verfügbare Sprachen

Low intensity fires cause tar and cre o-
sote to deposit in the chimney after a
long period of time. Tar and creosote
are highly combustible substances.
Thicker layers of these substances
might catch fire when the t emperature
in the chimney increases suddenly and
steeply. Therefore it is necessary for
the fire to regularly burn very intensely,
so that thin layers of tar and creosote
immediately disappear.
Low intensity fires also cause tar to deposit on the stove panels and doors.
When it is not too cold outside it is better to let the stove burn intensely for just a
few hours a day.
4.4. Low heating (for devices suitable for continuous use)
To use the device as a 'continuous fire', you can select the primary and secondary air
scoops in such a way you get the right burning speed. Always make sure there's
enough glow on the heating bottom.

Ash removal

Underneath the stove you will find an ash removal grille. To re-
move the ashes the ash removal grille needs to be removed, so
that you can sweep the ashes into the ash pan with the small
shovel. You can then remove the ash pan out of the stove with
the 'cold hand'. (see illustration)
When you burn logs of wood, there is no need to de-ash the stove each time, as only
little ashes are left after burning wood. Moreover, burning logs on a bed of ashes
promotes the combustion process.

Extinguishing the fire

Stop fuelling the fire and let it burn out.
Damping a fire by closing the air slides involves the release of noxious gases. You
should let the fire burn out and keep an eye on it as long as it is still glowing.

Weather conditions

Mist and heavy fog will block the chimney's fume outlet and may lead to smoke
emission into the living room.
It is best not to use the stove under these weather conditions.
350CB - 360CB - 350CB/SC - 350CB/3 - 360CB/3
open stacking
compact stacking



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