The following action can be determined:
SET = switch on/activate/configure
RESET = switch off/deactivate/reset default settings
TEST = test/check/request
This is used to select the function you want to change or perform:
OUT1 = Output 1 (relay)
OUT2 = Output 2 (relay)
IN1 = Input 1
IN2 = Input 2
Both the presence and the number of parameters depend on the function and action used.
Therefore, most „RESET" actions have no parameters while „SET" actions without any
parameters are rather rare.
A parameter may be the following:
1. List: The customer may choose a parameter from a pre-defined list.
Example: DE, EN, LH, HL, LHL,...
2. Number: An integer without decimal digits, optionally with prefix.
Example: 5 (= time in seconds), SET IN1 LH 5 #1513
Examples for setting parameters (assuming the device PIN is 1513):
SET OUT1 #1513
SET IN1 LHL #1513
Switch on output 1
Switching input 1 alarms at every condition change (L->H, H->L)