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Verfügbare Sprachen

Verfügbare Sprachen

• You should freeze your food (meat, minced meat, fish, etc.) by dividing them into
portions in such a way that they can be consumed in portions.
• Please do not refreeze frozen food once it is thawed. It may pose a danger for your
• Do not place hot meals in your deep freeze before they are cold.
• When buying frozen food ensure that it has been frozen at a suitable temperature
and that the packing is intact.
• When storing frozen food; the instructions shown on frozen food packaging should
always be followed carefully and if no information is provided, food should not be
stored for more than 3 months from the purchase date.
• Frozen food should be transported in appropriate containers and placed in the
freezer as soon as possible. Do not use door shelves for freezing.
• The storage duration of frozen food changes depending on the environment
temperature, the frequent opening and closing of the doors, thermostat settings,
food type and the length of period that has elapsed from the time the food was
bought to the time it entered the freezer. Always follow the instructions on the
packaging and never exceed the storage duration.
• During long lasting power cuts, do not open the door of the deep freeze
compartment. Your refrigerator will preserve your frozen food in the environmental
condition of 25°C for about 12 hours. This value falls in high environmental
temperatures. During longer lasting power cuts, do not refreeze your food, and
consume it as soon as possible.
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