end of the welding process and will be counted down to zero. The cooling
time countdown can be confirmed and canceled at any time by pressing
the STOP/RESET key. However, note that during that time no external
forces must be applied to the pipe fitting joint which is still warm.
After welding is finished, disconnecting the fitting from the unit or pressing
the STOP/RESET key will reset the unit back to the start of data input.
Manual Input of Welding Parameters
When the fitting was connected to the welding unit by the welding cable,
the manual input of welding parameters can be accessed by pressing
the arrow key.
The screen of a HST 300 Easy D will show a menu as reproduced in
Display 6. Using the arrow keys and you can select "Enter Numeric
Series" (i.e., the ordered string of numbers that represents the fitting
code) or "Enter Voltage/Time." Confirm your selection by pressing the
START key.
If you work with a HST 300 Easy, your unit will not display the second
line on the screen, as the manual input of the welding duration and volt-
age is not available with this model version.
5.9.1 Entering the String of Numbers
If this option was chosen in the manual input menu, the "Enter Numeric
Series" display shows. The 24 characters that represent the fitting code
to be entered display as asterisks ( * ). Use the arrow keys , , , to
enter the code. By pressing the START key, you confirm your input which
will then be decoded. If the code entered is not correct, a "Code Error"
message appears; check the string of numbers and correct as needed. If
the code entered is correct, the decoded information is displayed, and the
"Start ?" message indicates that the device is ready to start welding.
5.9.2 Entering Voltage/Time
only for model version Easy D:
If the "Enter Voltage/Time" option was chosen in the manual input menu,
"Enter PIN" appears on the screen, along with fours asterisks ( **** )
that represent the Personal Identification Number
the , , , arrow keys. This input has to be confirmed by pressing
the START key.
If the PIN entered is correct, a display like the one reproduced in Display 7
appears on the screen. Use the , , , arrow keys to set the voltage
and the time for the welding process according to the fitting manufac-
turer's instructions, then press the START key to confirm your input. The
"Start ?" message indicates that the unit is ready to start welding.
The PIN can be obtained from the manufacturer or the reseller and will be
disclosed only to authorized personnel.
Configuring the Welding Unit and Ensuring Traceability
To reconfigure the welding unit press the and arrow keys simultane-
ously. This will cause a selection menu as the one in Displays 8 and 9
to appear on the screen. However, only the options on Display 9 will
appear on a Easy model version. The other option are available only in
the Easy D model version.
Use the , arrow keys to select the desired configuration option.
to be entered using
HST 300 Easy / Easy D User's Manual
H Ü R N E R S c h w e i s s t e c h n i k G m b H
Nieder-Ohmener Str.
35325 Mücke, Germany
>Enter Numer. Series
Enter Voltage/Time
Manual Input
U= 40 V
Version November 2010
Display 6
1000 s
Display 7