Seite 1
Wireless Headphones MONTBLANC Montblanc MB 01 Quick Start Guide Guide de démarrage rapide Guia de inicio råpido Kurzanleitung Guida rapida Guia de inicio råpido KpaTKoe PYKOBOACTBO Google Assistant...
Seite 2
Interface Interface Active Noise Cancellation Interfaz de usuario Live Mode Benutzeroberfläche Active Noise Cancellation Interfaccia utente Interface de usuårio nonb30BaTeJ1bCKhV1 klHTep$ehc Intelligent Play/ Pause on Inteligent Play/Pause off The Google Assistant (default mode) Active Noise Cancellation (ANC) On/off Multifunction button...
Seite 4
Turn On Bluetooth pair Activer Bluetooth Couplage Enciende el Bluetooth Emparejamiento Bluetooth anschalten Verbinden Attiva il Bluetooth Connessione Ligue o Bluetooth Parear BUI}-OHk1Te Bluetooth CVIHXPOHk13aUVlfi...
Seite 5
Google Assistant for iOS Google Assistant for Android Download and open Google Assistant Press and hold home button, follow instructions app, follow instructions Appuyez et maintenez le bouton d'accueil, Téléchargez et ouvrez l'applicotion Google suivez les instructions Assistant, suivez les instructions Mantenga presionado el botön de inicio, siga Descarga y abre la aplicaciön Google Assistant las instrucciones...
Seite 6
V IH$OPMCIUHR CJIO>KhTe BMeCTe nono>KVlTe vexon Um Guia de Iniciaqöo Råpida em portugués estå disponivel neste link. iOS is a trademark or registered trademark of Cisco in the U.S. and other countries and is used under license. Google and Android are trademarks of Google LLC.