Safety precaut ons
To prevent death or njury to the user or other people and property
damage, the follow ng nstruct ons must be followed. Incorrect
operat on due to gnor ng of nstruct ons may cause death, harm or
Installat on must be performed accord ng to the nstallat on
nstruct ons. Improper nstallat on can cause water leakage,
electr cal shock, or f re.
Use only the ncluded accessor es and parts, and spec f ed tools for
the nstallat on. Us ng non-standard parts can cause water leakage,
electr cal shock, f re, and njury or property damage.
Make sure that the outlet you are us ng s grounded and has the
appropr ate voltage. The power cord s equ pped w th a three-prong
ground ng plug to protect aga nst shock. Voltage nformat on can be
found on the nameplate of the un t.
Your un t must be used n a properly grounded wall receptacle. If
the wall receptacle you ntend to use s not adequately grounded or
protected by a t me delay fuse or c rcu t breaker (the fuse or c rcu t
breaker needed s determ ned by the max mum current of the un t.
The max mum current s nd cated on the nameplate located on
un t), have a qual f ed electr c an nstall the proper receptacle.
Install the un t on a flat, sturdy surface. Fa lure to do so could result
n damage or excess ve no se and v brat on.
The un t must be kept free from obstruct on to ensure proper
funct on and to m t gate safety hazards.
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Local air conditioner