Technical Data
See annex.
In case you are not able to remedy a fault yourself, please call our service team at:
Our service
Germany: Telephone 01806-63 06 30, land line 20ct/call, mobile telephony
60 ct/call max
Monday – Friday 8:00 am – 8:00 pm, Saturday 8:00 am - 4:00 pm
Austria, universal: Telephone +43 / 662-448 559, landline depending on
provider, Home improvement expert service – Otto: +43 / 316-606 159
landline depending on provider, Home improvement expert service –
Quelle: +43 / 662-900 559 landline depending on provider, Home
improvement expert service
Switzerland, Quelle: DE: +41 / 848 85 85 00, FR: +41 / 848 85 85 01,
I: +41 / 848 85 85 02
Ackermann: DE: +41 / 848 85 85 11, FR: +41 / 848 85 85 21,
I: +41 / 848 85 85 31
The Netherlands: call center 0900-1901 (15ct/min)
In order to assist you more efficiently, please tell us the:
device designation: Below unit installation hood SY-6005B2 and item number
you used to order the item (see invoice).
Imported by baumarkt direkt GmbH & Co. KG, Alter Teichweg 25,
D-22081 Hamburg