Switches on from standby
selects channels directly
Selects the channel list
(»ALL«, »FAV 1« to
»FAV 4«)
Exits menu and applica-
Displays information
Opens the menu
Opens the channel list
Opens the Tools menu
Adjusts the volume
Turns volume on/off (mute)
Record, playback, pause
or stop (only digital televi-
sion channels);
teletext on half screen
No function
Opens Screen share.
Cursor Control
Moves the cursor up and
down in the menus.
Moves the cursor left/right in
Opens channel list;
activates various functions.
Television / User Manual
Turns on and off the televi-
sion set (stand-by)
Switches between teletext
and TV modes
Functions according to the
screen help, HbbTV
Opens MyApps menu
Zapping function;
switches the menus back
one menu level
Opens the electronic TV
Signal source
Switches on from standby;
selects stations step by step
Next/previous image/
chapter, next/previous
Select subtitle
Opens Media Player menu
Select audio channel
15 / 115 TR