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Reopening A Cravat; Negative Spin; Full-Stall - Airdesign UFO 21 Betriebshandbuch Und Serviceheft



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and the glider can stall with less brake input.
To assist in the reopening of a frontal collapse the pilot should pull both brakes equally at the
same time. This also reduces the dive after the glider reopens.
Should a collapse happen while accelerating, the accelerator has to be released immediately.
NOTE: Pulling too much brake during a frontal collapse recovery can stall the glider or cause
the glider to revert from the frontal collapse directly into a deep-stall.
In general the UFO does not show any tendency for doing cravats. In extreme conditions it is
possible that the wing tip(s) can become trapped between the lines. In general, this would
happen only after a big uncontrolled collapse or during extreme manoeuvres.
If this cravat occurs, in the first instance use the techniques described for releasing asymmetric
If it fails to release, take hold of the stabilo line and pull constantly towards yourself until the
trapped section of the wing is released.
At low altitude it is important to stabilise the rotation, if any, and if necessary use the reserve
(rescue) if this is not possible.
We recommend that this manoeuvre is only carried out during a safety training course over
water and under supervision. The intention in this situation is for a pilot to discover the point-
of-spin and to control it. This demands a high level of experience and skill.
The longer the time between the glider entering a spin and the pilot attempting to recover, the
more risk there is of it getting out of control.
As the glider surges forward, slow it down with the brakes to avoid the possibility of an
asymmetric collapse. Always wait for the glider to be in front of you or above you when
releasing a fully deployed spin - never release the spin while the wing is behind you, because
the glider would dive very far in front of you or even underneath.
We do not recommend making this manoeuvre.
This is an extreme manoeuvre that should rarely, if ever, be required.
To induce a full stall, pull both brake-lines down smoothly. Hold them down, locking your arms
under your seat until the canopy falls behind you and deforms into a characteristic crescent
shape. In spite of how uncomfortable it may feel as the glider falls backwards, be careful not to
release the brakes prematurely or asymmetrically. If the brakes are released while the glider is
falling backwards, the surge and dive forwards is very fast and the glider may shoot in front
and even underneath you.
In a full stall the canopy will oscillate back and forth. To stabilize this, you can release the
brakes slowly and for approximately 1/3 of the brake travel and then hold at this level. Holding
at this position allows the wing to stabilize across the span. When releasing the brakes without
pre-filling, the ears will most probably hook in the lines, and this can result in a cravat.

Reopening a cravat

Negative Spin



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