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Seite 3
Set wireless function (for Wireless Grandias 12V only): Once you complete the Wireless Grandias 12V installation, it will automatically search and link with the receiver. The yellow LED on the Game Pad will be lit for five seconds then will turn off if you have a successful connection.
Einstellen der Wireless-Funktion (Nur für Wireless Grandias 12V): Nachdem Sie die Wireless Grandias 12V Installation abgeschlossen haben, wird dieser automatisch den Empf nger suchen und sich damit verbinden. Die gelbe LED auf dem Game Pad wird f r 5 Sekunden aufleuchten und schaltet sich ab, wenn die Verbindung erfolgreich hergestellt wurde.
FRANÇAIS Wireless Grandias 12V / MaxFire Grandias 12V/Grandias Commander Interface Audio seule du Grandias Commander: TURBO/SELECT/START/MACRO Boutons 5~8 couteur Micro R cepteur seul pour le Grandias Wireless (sans fils) 12V : Marche Lien Voyant LED Arr t Vibration MODE/LED Analog Mini Stick...
ITALIANO Grandias Senza Fili 12V / MaxFire Grandias 12V/Grandias Commander Interfaccia Audio solo per Grandias Commander : TURBO/SELECT/START/MACRO Pulsanti 5-8 Auricolare Microfono Ricevitore solo per Grandias senza fili 12V: Contatto Power LED Vibrazione MODE/LED Mini Stick Analogico D-Pad 8 vie Buttons 1~4 Installazione Software: Installare il software prima di installare Grandias12V o Grandias Senza Fili 12V.
Configurar la función inalámbrica (sólo para Wireless Grandias 12V): Cuando termine la instalaci n de Wireless Grandias 12V, buscar y se conectar autom ticamente al receptor. El LED amarillo del Mando de Videojuegos se encender durante cinco segundos y se apagar si se realiza una conexi n con xito.
Mini Stick Anal gico D-Pad 8-dire Buttons 1~4 Instalação do Software: Instale primeiro o software antes de instalar o Grandias12V ou Wireless Grandias 12V. O Game Pad ir funcionar sem a fun o de vibra o mesmo sem o driver instalado.
Mini Stick anal gico Buttons 1~4 D-Pad 8 direc Instalação do Programa: Instale o programa antes de instalar o Grandias 12V ou Wireless Grandias 12V. O Comando de Jogo funciona sem a fun o de vibra o, mesmo sem a instala o do driver.
NEDERLANDS Draadloze Grandias 12V / MaxFire Grandias 12V/Grandias Commander Audio interface alleen voor de Grandias Commander Buttons 5~8 TURBO/SELECT/START/MACRO Koptelefoon Microfoon Ontvanger voor de draadloze Grandias, alleen 12V: Link Stroom LED MODE/LED Vibratie Analog Mini Stick Buttons 1~4 8-Way D-Pad Software installatie: Installeer eerst de software voordat u de Grandias 12V of draadloze Grandias 12V installeert.
Nastavení bezdrátové funkce (pouze u Wireless Grandias 12V): Po nainstalov n Wireless Grandias 12V bude za zen automaticky hledat a spojit s p ij ma em. lut kontrolka LED na gamepadu se rozsv t na 5 sekund a potom zhasne,pokud m te sp n spojen .
Buttons 1~4 A Szoftver telepítése: A Grandias12V vagy a vezet k n lk li Wireless Grandias 12V zembe helyez se el tt telep tse a szoftvert. A szoftver telep t se n lk l a j t kvez rl a rezg hat s n lk l m k dik.
Ustawianie funkcji połączenia bezprzewodowego (tylko dla wersji Wireless Grandias 12V): Po zako czeniu instalowania gamepada Wireless Grandias 12V, w spos b automatyczny wyszuka on odbiornik i po czy si z nim. Je li po czenie zostanie pomy lnie ustanowione, w gamepadzie zapali si ta dioda LED.
SRPSKI Be i ni Grandias 12V / MaxFire Grandias 12V/Grandias upravlja Audio interfejs za Grandias upravlja TURBO/SELECT/START/MACRO Tasteri 5~8 Slu alice Mikrofon Prijemnik samo za be i ni Grandias 12V: Link napajanje, LED MODE/LED Vibracije Anal. mini poluga Buttons 1~4 8-sm.
ROMÂNĂ Grandias 12V Wireless / MaxFire Grandias 12V/Grandias Commander Interfa audio numai pentru Grandias Commander: TURBO/SELECT/START/MACRO But. 5~8 Microfon Receiver numai pentru Wireless Grandias 12V: PORNIT Link LED indicator OPRIT Vibra II MODE/LED Mini manet analog Buttons 1~4 Pad cu 8-dir.
TÜRKÇE Kablosuz Grandias 12V / MaxFire Grandias 12V/Grandias Commander/ Yaln zca Grandias Commander i in Ses Aray z Buttons 5~8 TURBO/SELECT/START/MACRO Kulakl k Mikrofon Yaln zca Kablosuz Grandias 12V i in Al c : A IK Ba lant LED i MODE/LED KAPALI Titre im...
УКРАЇНСЬКА Grandias 12V / MaxFire Grandias 12V/Grandias Commander Grandias Commander: Grandias 12V: Buttons 1~4 Установка програмного забезпечення: Grandias12V Wireless Grandias 12V. Приєднання пристроїв USB. Game Controllers ( Advanced ( : USB, 2-axis 12-button game pad (2- USB). Налаштуйте функцію бездротового з’єднання (тільки для моделі Wireless Grandias):...
12-nupuline m ngupult. Kontrolli installeerimist uuesti, kui see ei ole korrektne. Seadista traadita funktsioon (ainult Wireless Grandias 12V-le): Kui oled l puni viinud Wireless Grandias 12V installeerimise, otsib see automaatselt les ja lingib ennast vastuv tjaga. Kui oled saavutanud nnestunud henduse, s ttib M ngupuldil olev kollane LED viieks sekundiks ning seej rel see kustub.
Buttons 1~4 8-virzienu D-pults Programmatūras instalēšana: Pirms Grandias 12V vai Wireless Grandias 12V instal anas instal jiet programmat ru. Sp u panelis darbosies bez vibr cijas funkcijas par tad, ja draiveris neb s instal ts. Ievietojiet Grandias 12V kompaktdisku CD-ROM diskdzin un br di uzgaidiet, kam r dators disku iel d .
LIETUVIŠKAI Bevielis Grandias 12V / MaxFire Grandias 12V/Grandias komanderis Garso s saja tik Grandias komanderiui: TURBO/SELECT/START/MACRO Buttons 5~8 Ausin s Mikrofonas Imtuvas tik bevieliui Grandias 12V: jungta nuoroda Maitinimas LED I jungta Vibracija MODE/LED Analog Mini Stick 8-Way D-Pad Buttons 1~4 Programinės įrangos įdiegimas: Prie diegiant Grandias12V ar beviel Grandias12V vis pirma diekite...
Seite 23
ҚАЗАҚ Grandias 12V / MaxFire Grandias 12V/Grandias Commander Grandias Commander TURBO/SELECT/START/MACRO Grandias 12V ON ( OFF ( MODE/LED D-Pad Buttons 1~4 : Grandias12V Grandias 12V Grandias 12V Grandias12V Техникалық жабдықты орнату Find a new hardware ( USB, 2 Сымсыз жұмыс жетесін орнату (тек сымсыз Grandias 12V үшін): Grandias 12V START+MODE START (...
Seite 25
This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a class B digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC rules. These limits are designed to provide to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation.
Seite 26
This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a class B digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC rules. These limits are designed to provide to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation.