Editing the channel list
The channel list of the receiver can be sorted according to your wishes.
Call up the channel list editor through the menu heading "Channel List" / "Sort Channels"
in the main menu.
After making any desired changes leave the channel list with the EXIT button. Confirm in
the displayed "Save Changes" window by pressing OK.
To change entries the required entry should be chosen by pressing OK. A menu will appear
with the available functions.
If you wish to edit a complete block of channels in a row choose the option "Block". In this
case the menu will disappear and you will be requested to mark the end of the block in the
list. Go to the last entry belonging to the block and press OK. The menu with the available
options will then reappear.
Following functions are available in the menu:
Insert empty
DTR 1205
Copies the channel on another position in the channel list. The
target entry is over written.
Moves the entry to another position.
Note: If an entry is moved upwards, it will be positioned before the
destination position, if moved downwards it will be placed after the
destination position.
If a channel is deleted from the list, the position will be marked as
unused, thus making no changes to the number sequence of the
channel list.
Deletes a channel from the list but moves the following channels
back up the list.
Note: To support the block function of the list, only those channels
are moved up that are located before the next entry that is marked
as "unused". If for example the list is unused from entry 85 to 99
you could delete entry 57 and move only the channels 58 to 84
back down the list. The channels past 100 would remain un-
Inserts an empty entry. The other entries are moved accordingly.
Note: As with the "Cut" function the areas marked as unused TV
channels will be regarded as the end of a block.
This option is only for use when a block has been marked. All gaps
marked as "unused" within the block will be filled by the channels
being moved up. The empty entries will then be collected at the
end of the block.