NOTE! Installation of accessories may be carried out only with the supply voltage disconnected. Pull out the plug of power cable
from the mains socket!
Setting of auxiliary grip handle (II)
An auxiliary grip handle can be set in a position that provides the most safe, ergonomic and effi cient work.
Set the chuck in the desired position and then lock the possibility of any changes of its position by tightening the lock knob fi rmly
and securely.
Due to the nature of work, check the degree of tightening the lock knob during the use of the product.
Assembly and disassembly of work tools (III)
Clean the selected tool of dirt and rust and lubricate The SDS MAX chuck with a thin layer of grease.
Tool the tool chuck towards you and maintain it in this position .
Insert a clean tool in the opening. If necessary, turn the tool, so that it enters the chuck without resistance.
Release the chuck; the tool should lock automatically in the chuck.
Make sure the tool is securely installed, trying to remove it from the SDS MAX chuck. If the drill or the cutter can be removed from
the chuck, the installation procedure must be repeated.
Before starting the work make sure that the housing and connecting cable with a plug are not damaged. If any damage is found,
it is forbidden to continue the work!
Select proper work tool: punch or chisel.
Clean the tool, apply a thin layer of grease on the chuck of selected tool.
Insert the work tool into the tool chuck of the product.
Insert the cable plug into the mains socket.
Put on hearing protectors, eye protection, work gloves.
Starting and stopping the product
Take a posture guaranteeing your balance, grab the hammer with both hands and having made sure that the work tool does not
touch anything, start the product by pressing and holding down the switch with your fi nger.
Hold the tool in this position for several seconds to allow grease reaching all the elements of the drive mechanism and check at
the same time whether the product shows any signs of abnormal operation. Too much noise, vibration level too high, suspicious
odour or emergence of smoke. If no signs of abnormal operation are observed, the product may be used.
After completion of work, switch off the hammer by releasing the pressure on the switch.
The switch may be locked in the ON position, which may be useful during long-term operation. In order to lock the switch, press
the lock button with the switch pressed . Lock is released by pressing the switch.
Working with product (IV)
It is recommended that in the initial period of use, operation of tool is not too intensive, it will allow mechanical parts to run-in. It is
also recommended to use longer breaks in order to cool the hammer. As the elements inside the hammer run in, you can increase
the intensity of operation and shorten the breaks needed for cooling the tool.
Note! Sometimes it may happen that the hammer fails to transfer impact to the work tool, even though the engine works. Usually
this may be caused by too thick oil. If the product is used at low temperature, let it work for approx. 5 minutes to warm it up.
Lean the work tool against work surface, grab both grip handles of the hammer and start it with the switch. If the work tool has
failed to start, push the hammer towards the work surface. This does not result from incorrect operation but the protection against
operation with no load.
During the work, apply only pressure necessary for the correct operation of the tool. Applying too much pressure on the work tool
may cause damage to the work tool and hammer drill mechanisms, and it will also reduce its effi ciency.
If the product is used to remove large-thickness surfaces, this operation should be carried out by layers. Each time, remove a
layer of small thickness.
Make regular breaks during the work.
Additional notes
Do not apply too much pressure on the processed material during operation and do not make sudden movements to prevent dam-
age to the work tool and drill. Make regular breaks during the work. Do not overload the tool, temperature of outside surfaces can
never exceed 60 °C. After completed work, turn off the drill, unplug the tool from the mains socket and carry out the maintenance